COVID-19 - Newsletter

Residential and Commercial Cleaning.

Environmental cleaning and ventilation

For routine cleaning of frequently used surfaces and objects to help to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 to help to mitigate the risk of people becoming infected through self-inoculation after touching contaminated surfaces. The virus that causes COVID-19 has the potential to survive in the environment for up to several days Cleaning, particularly of frequently touched surfaces, can kill the virus, making it no longer possible to infect people.

  • Cleaning the home and co-living setting: Frequently touched areas such as toilets, bedside tables, light switches and door handles should be first cleaned (to physically remove dirt) and disinfected daily with water and regular household cleaning products or a diluted bleach solution (0.5% sodium hypochlorite). If they can withstand the use of liquids for disinfection, frequently touched electronics such as phones, computers and other devices may be disinfected with 70% alcohol (e.g. alcohol prep wipes). All used disposable contaminated items should be placed in a lined container before disposing of them with other household waste.
    Workplaces and other similar community settings are encouraged to clean highly touched surfaces (e.g. phones, elevator buttons, washrooms, tables) frequently and to recommend and facilitate increased hand hygiene. It is also recommended that items that cannot be easily cleaned (e.g., newspapers, magazines, stuffed toys) be removed.

Increasing ventilation (e.g. opening windows when weather permits) may help reduce transmission, though evidence is limited as to its effectiveness. Simulation studies show that increased ventilation was shown to reduce influenza transmission and is usually simple and feasible in many locations.

Hand hygiene

Refers to hand washing with soap and water or hand sanitizing with alcoholic solutions, gels or tissues to maintain clean hands and fingernails. It should be performed frequently with soap and water for at least 15-20 seconds:

  • Before and after preparing food;
  • Before and after eating;
  • After using the toilet;
  • After coughing/sneezing into a tissue (or if non compliant with respiratory etiquette);
  • Before and after using a surgical/procedure mask and after removing gloves;
  • After handling body fluid-contaminated waste or laundry;
  • Whenever hands look dirty.

If soap and water are not available, hands can be cleaned with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) that contains at least 60% alcohol, ensuring that all surfaces of the hands are covered (e.g. front and back of hands as well as between fingers) and rubbed together until they feel dry. For visibly soiled hands, soiling should be removed with an alcohol-based hand wipe first, followed by use of ABHS.

Touching one's eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands should be avoided.

Respiratory etiquette

Describes a combination of measures intended to minimize the dispersion of large particle respiratory droplets when an ill person is coughing, sneezing and talking to reduce virus transmission.

  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a surgical/procedure mask or tissue. Dispose of tissues in a lined waste container and perform hand hygiene immediately after a cough or sneeze


  • Cough/sneeze into the bend of your arm, not your hand

All Info was guided by Canada Health Services.

For more info visit the link below.


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